Dark Escape 4D

Dark Escape 4D has arrived at ArCains Liverpool. This one is a REAL SCREAM!!!!!!

Face your fears with NAMCO’s newest horror shooter, Dark Escape 4D. This new 3D game is in a class of its own. Wearing anti-bacterial coated 3D glasses, try to escape from a mad man’s sick and twisted game by shooting your way out. Experimental creatures and the undead leap from the game cabinet’s 46″ high definition screen.

You can choose to play any of the four fear-themed stages. A bonus fifth stage is available once all four stages are completed.

THE GAME KNOWS WHEN YOU ARE SCARED Panic sensors display each player’s heart rate on the screen.

YOU DON’T JUST SEE THE MONSTERS, YOU FEEL THEM TOO! With built-in air blowers in the front and back, players feel the breath of a chasing zombie on the back of their necks or a blast of air on their face when a monster lunges at them. Heavy recoil guns and a rumble seat provide additional terrifying elements that complement the game’s immersive game play.

Find Dark Escape on the middle floor.

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